Easy, DIY Dollar Tree Halloween Decor
It’s spoooooky season over here at GingerandIvory and boy oh boy do I have the best, easy DIY Dollar Tree Halloween decor for you! Now, Dollar Tree has plenty of decor that you can just use on its own, but it looks cheap and tacky (like you paid a dollar for it…). But I can show you how to make it way better. Alexa, play Upgrade You by Beyonce. Most DIY’s I have found look SO TACKY so I wanted to make decorations that actually look cute. I made five different Halloween DIYS this year, all from the dollar tree! Disclaimer: If you aren’t like me and don’t have a plethora of crafts laying around, you may need to order a few things from Amazon or Michael’s as well.

Let’s get Spooky!

Dollar Tree DIY Dead Roses
These flowers are sooo easy to make and you only need a couple of things. Just a side note: as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Momma’s got bills to pay. Ya feel?

- Fake Florals: I got roses and some greenery in the floral section of Dollar Tree. If you want to order online, here are some Roses, Peonies, or Daisies.
- Spray Paint: I had black, grey, and white sitting in my garage.
- Red Paint: I just used acrylic paint.
How to make:
So, given that there are only three supplies, this Dollar Tree DIY is super easy.
- Take your fake flowers and spray paint them all black.
- Once dry, add little sprays of grey and white to give the florals an aged, dusty grey look.
- When your flowers are fully dry, drip red paint on them to give the illusion of blood.
Voila! You have dead, black, bloody flowers. Find a spooky vase to put them in and now you have a scary centerpiece!

Easy Halloween DIY Eyeball Jars
- Snowglobes: At Dollar Tree, they have empty snowglobes in the Christmas section.
- Eyeballs: At Dollar Tree, in the Halloween section, find a bag of eyeballs.
- Black tea: if you don’t own any already, they sell it at Dollar Tree or literally anywhere.
How to Make:
- Start by brewing your black tea. Steep the tea for ten minutes or until you get a dark yellow color. Let fully cool, and set aside.
- Open up your snowglobes and stuff the eyeballs in there.
- Pour in the tea.
- Screw on the bottom.
Done! Now wasn’t that simple?
Easy Halloween DIY Spellbooks
This one is my fav!

- Thick books: I found a few at the Dollar Tree, thrift stores and just laying around my house
- Black paint
- Gold or other color paint
- Hairdryer
- Lighter
How to Make:
- Start by painting the front cover, back cover, and spine on the outside of each book with black paint.
- Once dried, with your other color paint, add your titles to the spine and front cover. Since my books are stacked, I only did the spines. Here of some fun titles: “Your name’s” Spellbook, Book of Spells, Potions, and Charms, Book of Charms, and Moon Spells. There is actually a Magic Book Generator Website you could use too.
- Wet the pages of the book. I just stuck the pages under the sink. At least get the edges nice and wet. If it ripes or tears, it’s fine!
- Once the pages are wet, use your hairdryer to dry the pages. Be aggressive with the drying, trying different angles, crinkle the pages, we are really trying to go for the old, used look.
- Let the books dry outside in the sun. The longer they can get some sun damage (yellowing) the better.
- When the books are dry, it’s time to burn the edges. PLEASE be careful with this step. I had a damp towel next to me just in case the flames got out of control. Carefully, use your lighter to burn the edges of the pages.
That’s it! Do a bunch of books and have a full shelf of spoooooky spellbooks!

DIY Dollar Tree Vintage Gilded Taxidermy Bugs
This one is fun!

- Fake Bugs – in the kid’s section at dollar tree
- Black and Gold spray paint
- Trays, wood plaques, anything to mount the bugs on. I used the wood plaques from Michaels.
- Glue – Hot glue, epoxy, anything you have around the house.
How to Make:
- Spray paint your bugs with gold spray paint
- While your bugs dry, paint or spray paint your wood plaques black
- Once everything is dry, mount the bug onto the wood with your glue
- BONUS: cut out the species name on a little plaque below your bug. My printer broke so I couldn’t do this step but I left room to go back in and add it.
Hang up your bugs and you are done!
DIY Hanging Skull and Bone Cages
I love, love, love how this DIY turned out.

- Laundry baskets– from the Dollar Tree, I got 4 to make 2 cages
- Basket filler – I had some from a past project. I got the straw from Michaels a couple of years ago
- Bones and Skulls – in the Halloween section of Dollar Tree
- Spiderwebs, cobwebs, black webs – I used extra black cobwebs from last year
- Chains – Dollar tree had plastic chains in the Halloween section. I got 4.
- Glue
- Spray paint – black, white, grey
- red paint
- String– to hang up or zip ties
How to Make:
- Start by spray painting the baskets black. When the black coat is dry, add little sprays of white and grey to give the illusion of aging metal, dust, and rusty.
- Stuff the bottom of the cage with the basket filler. If you want to add some into the top basket, glue it, or tie it to the top as well.
- Slightly spray the skull and bones with the black, grey, and white spray paint to add more dimension and aging.
- Flick, splatter, or drip the red paint on the laundry baskets and the skull and bones to look like blood.
- On the top of the top baskets, glue the chains on in a loop. I did one on the top and then looped in another. (two per top).
- Assemble the skulls and bones in your baskets. Add the cobwebs and black filler.
- Attach the basket top to the basket bottom with glue or string. I used string.
- Add string to the top chain.
- Hang up your cages!
- Bonus: I think next year I will add some outdoor, red fairy lights to the top of the basket so it lights up at night.
Now you have the best, unique, outdoor decor on your block!

DIY Halloween Decor from Dollar Tree

Alright, that concludes my five easy DIY Halloween decor from the Dollar Tree. If you make any of my DIY’s please tag me on Instagram! Want more DIY’s? Check out my DIY Anthropologie Bone Inlay Dresser, DIY Miss Frizzle Costume, or my DIY Sansa Stark Costume. Thanks for reading.

Happy Halloween!