The Neitzel’s 2018 Year in Review
For those of you who are #blessed enough to receive my Annual Christmas Letter, I mentioned that I would do a blog with all the highlights from our year. If you aren’t #blessed enough to receive my Annual Christmas Letter, I am sorry for you because it’s really premium. Let me know and I’ll see if I can squeeeeeeze you in next year. On the waitlist. I just have TOO many fans. Please enjoy my rendition of The Neitzel’s Year in Review!

Just like the letter, I am going to start off by recapping 2017 with a series of photos.
2017 Neitzel’s Year in Review
Spain and Greece
Amanda, my cousins Haleigh and Alexandria, and I traveled to Madrid, Barcelona, Athens and Mykonos!

To read the blog on Spain click HERE and for the blog on Greece, click HERE
Other Notable 2017 Moments

I also wrote a whole blog about how easy it is to make this costume. I swear it’s easy. Check it out HERE

2018 Neitzel’s Year in Review
Started off the Year in Australia

If you want to read about the EPIC adventure that was Australia, check it out HERE. Spoiler: someone gets stung by a jellyfish.
New York and Camp Toast

Camp Toast

I wrote a blog all about New York that you can check out HERE and one about Camp Toast HERE!
2018 Highlights

Andddd that brings us to present day. I hope you have a wonderfuuullllll Christmas and a Haaaapppyyy New Year!

If you enjoyed this blog on the Neitzel’s Year in Review! Please check out some of my other travel diaries including Camp Toast, New York City, Spain, Greece and Australia!