Why I Prefer to Travel During the Holidays
Ya girl, Marissa, here to drop some FACTS about why I like to Travel During the Holidays. Most people LOVE to be home for the holidays and wouldn’t consider booking any sort of trip during this time of year, but maybe I can change your mind. Don’t get me wrong, I love going home for Christmas and eating my weight in holiday cookies but lately I have been traveling around that time instead and it’s SO FUN. I have 25 years of the same Christmas under my belt and doing something new every once and awhile is exciting! As long as presents are still involved, I’m Gucci.
I get that people have traditions and you might even look forward to seeing family that you haven’t seen in a year (what’s that like?) so maybe you can decide you book travel right before Christmas or just overlap with New Years? You do you boo boo. Below I listed my five reasons for why I like to travel over the holidays. Enjoy!
Reason 1 to Travel During the Holidays:
Now why do I like traveling in the winter better than any other month? SWEATING. Ya girl sweats in summer. I am not a fan of walking 10 miles around a city in shorts while my thighs chaff and I constantly have under-boob sweat. All you want to do is chug water and walk into ANYWHERE that has AC. Nothing worse than being HOT AND SWEATY somewhere when all you want to be is comfortable.
Yes, you have to pack more bulky clothes in the winter and maybe throw in a few extra jackets but it’s not that bad. But I would MUCH rather be cold than hot. HANDS DOWN.
Reason 2 for Spending the Holidays Abroad:
Less people. Most people are home or with family and not out and about at the sights. I found that getting into places was easier, lines weren’t long and tours weren’t as packed. You have a greater chance of getting that perfect Insta pic with no one in the background during the slow season.
Reason 3 Why Not to Spend the Holidays with Your Parents:
Maybe it’s just me (or maybe it’s maybelline), but I personally like wearing winter clothes when I travel. I can hide all that pasta and wine I downed the night before in a nice, chunky sweater and boots. And maybe a scarf to cover the neck rolls, if need be.
Reason 4 For that Holiday Travel:
The culture! Experiencing how another country or culture celebrates the holidays is always so fun. and EDUCATIONAL. Everyone celebrates differently and getting to learn and participate in their country’s traditions and events is an experience. Also, since it’s around the GREATEST TIME OF YEAR, there are usually more events, concerts and markets to attend to.
Reason 5 for Why Winter is Better:
IT. IS. MAGICAL. The best is if you are in some sort of snowy, winter wonderland. Or if an entire city has been decorated! Or Christmas lights are hung all around the town. Even when we were in Australia, there were decorations everywhere, even though it was summer (still cool). We got to witness the world famous NYE firework show on the Harbor Bridge in Sydney which is a once and a life time experience! It just makes the whole trip that much more magical.
Below are a few of my favorite holiday pics from my travels!
Well, that concludes my Why I Prefer to Travel During the Holidays post! I hope that convinced you to book your flight this holiday season. Feel free to check out some of my other posts on Must Have Packing Items, Travel Apps and First Time Travel’s Questions. And give ya girl a follow on Pinterest!