My Favorite Things to Pack for Traveling
Welcome to my list on my favorite things to pack when I travel! Let me tell ya, I am a brilliant packer. An overpacker, but still brilliant.
I’m like a mom who always has a bag of stuff for whatever is necessary. Band-Aid? Got it. Protein bar? Yup. Nasal spray for when your ears get clogged after being on a plane. HELL YA.

After traveling to a couple different counties and around on my own, I believe I have come up with a faaaabulous list of my top random travel essentials. Just for you. I hope this post on favorite things to pack helps with your future packing.
Side note, I am affiliated with Amazon associates program so I make a lil mullaaahh off my links, because I am a savvy business woman. Ok?
1. Cabeau Evolution Memory Foam Travel Pillow $$
This pillow is LEEEEETERLLY heaven. I have gone through a couple of travel pillows before a friend recommended this one. IT’S AMAZING. I have never had a better sleeping experience on a plane in my life. This pillow rolls up so nicely (see little baggie on the picture) and I velcro it to my carry on luggage/bag. It’s worth the $40 and it comes in 9 colors.

2. Anti-Theft Purse $$
Next, purses. So I picked this purse for when I travel to countries I think are a leeeeetle unsafe. It’s a cute messenger bag that literally hold EVERYTHING. Not only that but, it has zippered RFID blocking pockets, locking front zippered pocket, and slash-resistant removable shoulder straps. When I’m traveling anywhere else, I just have a small, l zippered, black purse. Nothing crazy.

3. Leather Black Backpack $$
If I am not using a purse I use a leather backpack. Now I like this one, or a design like this for a few reasons: 1. It has a flap AND a zipper It just feels that much more secure. and 2. A little zipper pocket on the back for your passport!

4. Mini Sewing Kit $
I know the link above is for Amazon, but I actually got mine at Michael’s in the front where they have all those dollar goods. BUT ANYWAYS, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve used this on my trips. Once, I had a large suitcase come across the luggage carousel with the largest rip across the front. I was peeved but luckily I had my handy, dandy mini sewing kit. I’ve had my only raincoat rip as well. AGAIN. SAVED.

5. Deck of cards $
Wait what? A deck of cards? YES. I will travel with at least a few decks. One in my carry on, one in my luggage, one in my purse. It’s perfect for when you are bored on a ferry or waiting for a flight. We even play at the end of a long day before bed. Maybe it’s just my family, and growing up playing games and cards 24/7, but I still think having a deck of cards while traveling is a must.

6. Collapsible Water Bottle $
This is hands down my favorite things to pack.I never travel without this water bottle. It’s BRILLIANT. I can pack it flat in my luggage or roll it up into my purse. I can’t recommend it enough. It’s so flexible that when it is full of water I can easily mold it around whatever is in my bag.

7. Melatonin $
Get yourself a bottle of this. You won’t regret it. Can’t sleep on the plane? Take one. Jet lag and can’t sleep? Take one. Feet hurt after walking around for hours and just want to have a perfect sleep? Take one. Plus melatonin helps you get on the correct sleep pattern for whatever country you are in.

8. Foldable Rain Coat $$
Lastly, this may seem like a DUH for winter packing but I always throw it in, just in case. Not only will a raincoat come in handy when it rains (obvi), get one that comes with a leeeeeetttlleeee tiny pouch to shove it in. That way its super compact and it fits nicely into your backpack.

And that concludes all my favorite things to pack when I travel. I hope this helps! Don’t forget extra socks. Feel free to check out some of my other posts on Must Have Packing Items, Travel Apps and First Time Travel’s Questions. And give ya girl a follow on Pinterest! Comment below your MUST, MUST, MUST have travel items!