Ginger Spice Travels to the Land of Tea and Crumpets: England
Stepped off the plane in London like
And I immediately tried to find Harry Styles. I would have settled for any member of One Direction but let’s be honest… Harry Styles all the way. Or Harry Potter. Or Prince Harry.
Pretty much anyone named Harry.
I wasn’t planning on visiting England while I was abroad but I ended up making friends with the entire country so I figured WHY NOT. Free tour guides! Plus, I wasn’t ready to say goodbye to my friends (mates) yet. I was lucky enough to stay with Liv and her amazing family for a couple days while Liv showed me around England and London.
First stop…
Windsor, England
I actually thought we were driving the wrong way like ten times. Gave me a mini heart attack every time. But we threw our stuff in the boot and hopped on the motorway with a full tank of petrol and headed to the castle while eating Cadbury’s.
I even tried Nandos. Which is a requirement to try when you go to England.
Next stop…
London, England
Liv and I spent two days in London and April met up with us on the first day. I had my first London Underground experience. I can’t believe how looooooooooooong the escalators were. And how sometimes it took 2 or 3 to get all the way up.
All I could think about is the ONE escalator that always breaks on Long Beach’s campus right by Starbucks. When it breaks the entire school erupts into moans and Twitter explodes with “WHY GOD WHYYYYYY” and “The escalator is broken.. guess I’m not going to class”. Retweet. Favorite. Retweet.
Imagine when this breaks down.
Also, good luck figuring this out.

Thank you Liv for navigating around the city. Most people know I’m not the best at directions.
After all those shenanigans. We arrived in London.
We had lunch at the restaurant at the top of the Oxo tower. I had proper English fish and chips. And they were bloody fantastic.
It would be like going to California and not getting In-N-Out, ya know?
Les Mis in England!!
Seeing Les Miserable was 100% my favorite thing we did in London. I mean don’t get me wrong, the sites were great and the M&M’s were tasty but, this is my favorite musical. And everyone’s voices were FANTASTIC. I never wanted it to end.
But it did.

DAY TWOOOOO in London, England
Buckingham Palace
Oops I mean this queen
High Tea!
After London, we headed back to Liv’s house for a nice long slumber. After walking around the entire city with my overnight bag slung across my shoulder for two days, I was ready for bed. And a massage.
Brighton, England
I loved the shops and the streets. Everything was so unique.
End of England!
Sadly, I had to say goodbye to Liv. April and I drove back to her house, and then her dad was took us to the airport the following day to fly back to Amsterdam.
Which brings me to the conclusion of my England trip.
I had such a blast and it was great being able to travel around with people who knew where to go and what to do. It was also fun to see my friends outside of Amsterdam and in their home life.
I loved England. And I can’t wait to go back!
Check out my diary before this on the Neitzel trip around Europe! Or around Iceland. Even Prague!