Mamma Mia! I Went to Italy
CIAO, welcome to my I went to Italy travel diary! As some of you may know, two yeas ago, my parents purposely planned a three week vacation to Italy without my sister and I. If you don’t recall this, please reference the Neitzel Christmas letters years 2014 and 2013. I know it was like a second honeymoon for them and they didn’t have to take us but….
Clearly they don’t understand Ohana.
Whatever. Two years later I could finally have my revenge… Going to Italy without THEM! Take that SUCKASSSS. (Sorry Amanda)
Now that you have a little background, I can tell you all about my travels. I took a lot a pictures so prepare yourself.
Florence, Italy Travel Diary:
My friend Caro and I decided to leave a couple days early to go to Florence before meeting up with the rest of our group in Rome.
We took a metro, a bus, a train, a plane, another bus and another train until we successfully arrived in Florence.
Florence, Italy Day 1:
Florence, Italy Day 2:

Florence, Italy Day 3:

Big shout out to Allison Proud for her contribution to this trip. I made her type out everything we should do, eat and see while we were there. I did just about everything she suggested and had a fantastic time. SO THANK YOU ALLI.
Also, I would also like to apologize to Allison Proud for sending her pictures and snapchats of all the things she told me to do, eat and see while I was there. I sent her a picture of just about everything she suggested and rubbed it in her face. SO MY BAD ALLI.
Italy Travel Diary Rome, Day 4:
After 2.5 days in Florence, Caro and I said goodbye to our honeymoon suite and headed to Rome. A couple of our friends from school were meeting us there. Now this is where all the real Lizzie McGuire magic happened.

Rome, Italy Day 5:
Rome, Italy Day 6:
And the food you may ask? It wasn’t as delicious as Florence but it was still great. I posted my two favorite meals below.
All the Food in Italy
Last Evening in Rome, End of Italy Travel Diary
Wow, I had such an awesome trip and I am so glad I got to spend 7 days there. I know I will go back because there is soooo much of Italy I didn’t get to see, do and eat. One day, I would love to take my sister back there. Although I had fun making memories and traveling with new people, I do really miss traveling with my sister. Mostly because no one gets my jokes but her. I can’t wait for her to visit! Overall, it was a great trip and I got to see all the places Lizzie saw. Disappointed I didn’t see Paolo though…
I can’t wait to go back, but next time I’m staying here….
Thanks for reading my I went to Italy travel diary! Feel free to check out my other travel diary on Barcelona, Iceland or Prague!