A Day in the Life: Amsterdam
My mother suggested that I do a blog post on a Day in the Life in Amsterdam for me over here. She was like, I get it, you’re traveling, now lets see some new content. Let’s see what you do everyday. Nobody cares that you are galavanting around the world.
So, that’s what I am going to do. A day in the life post. I picked today, Wednesday September 23, 2015. So sit back and enjoy my Day in the Life Amsterdam!
Marissa’s Day in the Life
7:30am: Alarm goes off, hits snooze
7:40am:Alarm goes off, hits snooze
7:50am: Alarm goes off, crap, I’m running late
8:10am: COFFEE and breakfast. YAS. I have to use a coffee press for my coffee every morning. Which requires me to boil water every morning. Ugh. Wish I had my Keurig. For breakfast, I have yogurt, some sort of berry and granola. Or what they call muesli. It’s so scrummy.

8:25am: I walk out my door, down the elevator, walk 50 feet and enter my school. It’s a long commute. The longest part of my commute is actually traveling through a revolving door of inefficiency. One would think a revolving door would be efficient, but no, not if everyone goes into each section one at a time so you aren’t awkwardly squished against someone while you shuffle in a half circle. So, I impatiently wait my turn.
8:30am- 11:00am: Class begins. I have about 2.5 hours to catch up on all the social media I missed while I was asleep and all my friends and family were awake and having fun and further my education by listening intensely and learning about marketing. Today I have internet marketing. Woo-hoo.
11:01am: Walk back to my room knowing that after my intense 5 minute walk… It’s lunch time.
11:15am: Make lunch
11:16am: Admire lunch
11:17am: Devour lunch
Back to Class
12:50pm: Next class. I have no idea why they start at such a weird time. This class is International Financial Markets. This class is my least favorite here. You know those teachers who have HORRIBLE handwriting, refuse to use PowerPoint slides, talk with a thick accent and jump around from topic to topic with no rhyme or reason to this lecture or correlation to the book? Yes, that’s the class I’m in. And to make matters worse, the topic isn’t that interesting.
Afternoon of Fun
2:40pm: Two of my friends and I decided to go out for an afternoon bike ride to Waterlooplein flea market. It reminds me of the kind of stuff they would have at the Huntington Beach farmers market, except this one is all day everyday.
2:50pm: Biking through the pouring rain
2:53pm: Completely soaked.
3:20pm: Slowly starting to dry off as we walk through the knickknacks and such.
4:00pm: Bought a sweatshirt.
4:30pm: Finished drying off and warming up with a nice cup of hot chocolate and a bagel from Bagel and Beans. YUMM.
5:00pm: Ashley lost her bike keys. Mind you, we all locked our bikes together. Soooo we’re screwed
5:02pm: Searched all over the market for Ashley’s lost bike keys.
5:10pm: Found keys still in Ashley’s lock still attached to bike. Thank god no one stole them.
Back to the Dorm
5:11pm: Headed back to the dorm. Finally dry and enjoyed a nice bike ride back.
5:30pm: STARTS POURING RAIN about 5 minutes from dorm.
5:35pm: Arrives back at dorm looking like a drowned lion.
6:00pm: Changed into my warm fuzzy pj pants and tucked them into my warm fuzzy slippers while I snuggled under my warm fuzzy blanket.
Dorm Potluck Dinner
7:00pm: Wednesday Dorm Potluck Dinner. Everyone who comes to the potluck brings a dish to share. Tonight’s potluck was smaller than last weeks. But it was still really fun. It was more intimate. The Australian even shared her Tim Tams with us. You bite of the corners of the Tim Tam and drink your tea through it like a straw and then eat the chocolatey goodness as it melts in your mouth. It was delish. We discussed Australian things because, as many of you know, I nanny for three Australian girls and work for their parents at a stand up paddle board shop, therefore, I am half Australian. I know all the slang: nappy, knickers, boot, fairy bread, milo and now Tim Tams.
9:00pm: Homework time. Luckily I only have one class tomorrow and I already did the readings this weekend. WOOHOO. Just have a couple questions to answer and then I’m doooonnneeeee.
9:30pm: Netflix and chill.
9:31pm: Alone.
9:32pm: Modern Family, season 1 episode 10
Ni Ni Time
11:00pm: I should go to bed. And dream about how my sister and mom are going to Disneyland without me tomorrow and how I wish I was there.
11:01pm: If I go to bed now, I’ll get a nice, healthy 8 hours of sleep.
11:02pm: LOL jk I’ll play on my phone for the next hour or so… Goodnight.
If you enjoyed this blog about My Day in a Life Amsterdam! If you want to read more about the adventures I have check out my blogs, I’ve Arrived in Amsterdam, Sunny Days in the Netherlands or Around Holland.