So, I’ve Arrived in Amsterdam
I’m here, I have successfully arrived in Amsterdam! I figured the easiest way to talk to everyone and let them know what I’ve been up to was through a blog. I know it’s pretty basic. Basic white girl writes a blog on studying abroad in Europe…
But I can’t call everyone everyday so I’M WRITING A BLOG.
My flight
Yes, the moment I hugged my mom… I cried. It hit me. I wouldn’t have my mommy for the next 6 months and I was about to leave the country. Ironically, a girl standing in line with me through security was going to Amsterdam and had just worked at a Young Life camp all summer. I went to Young Life camp when I was younger, so we had lots to talk about. Once on the plane, I sat next to a mother and daughter who were from the U.S. but currently live in Belgium. The ten year old girl was super bratty but she didn’t really bother me #nannylife. In the last hour of the flight she actually started to teach me Dutch. She got mad when I was pronouncing it wrong but I was like homie, chill, I have 6 months to learn.
Wow. I did it. I arrived in Amsterdam in one piece. Finding where I was supposed to go wasn’t too hard. I got my bags, went through customs and found the meeting spot for my school. I was surprised that I managed to figure it out all by myself. High five to me. After checking in and getting all of my welcome information I headed straight for the dorm. I sat next to a girl from Thailand and obvi asked her if she likes thai tea because, if you know me, I’m obsessed. She said no, she doesn’t, so I immediately unfriended her. I’m just kidding. – side note- I’m eating a tortilla while typing this and just wanted you all to know it tastes nothing like a tortilla. It’s really sweet. So weird.
Continuing on.
My New Dorm
I’ve posted a few pictures below of my dorm.

First Night Out
I was trying not to have jet lag so I had to peel myself off my bed at 5pm to walk the common room downstairs, which by the way, is the only place that has wifi. ( SO DON’T TEXT ME. If you want to talk to me download Viber). But, doing so, I met so many people who were using the wifi too. We started talking and making plans and went out for drinks.
All in all, a stressful but successful first day/night.
The next day we went to Ikea. Thank god. And then to the city center. Below are more pictures of my second and third day.
Exploring My New City!
Alrighty! That’s all for now! I Just wanted to post a little something so everyone knows I arrived in Amsterdam successfully and that I am alive and loving it!
Keep checking back in for new updates!