Tombe pas de bourrée glissade grand jete: Paris Travel Diary
Bonjour, welcome to my Paris Travel Diary! I went into France with the pre-existing knowledge that the French are rude, smelly and won’t speak English to you even if they know it. The only French I know is from 15 years of ballet. I was ready for someone to randomly use “Pas de chat” and I could have been like ahhh yes yes… the step of the cat.
So, I went into France with little expectations. I just wanted to see the Eiffel Tower and go to Disneyland. Let me tell you, I was wrong. I LOOOOOVEDDD France. It was gorgeous, the food was fantastic and the only rude people I encountered were on the metro but I feel like that is universal.
Paris is one of my favorite places I’ve been to so far and it’s not just because I went to Disneyland. Although, it does help. Alright, let’s get this Paris Travel Diary started.
I was so excited. I was like a kid on Christmas. Or Halloween… because we went on Halloween. Now just to inform you… No, we did not dress up. YES WE DID TRY. We spent a week looking for Anna and Elsa (from frozen) costumes and had zero luck. And I couldn’t bring my sewing machine abroad so I couldn’t make a costume like I normally do. This is the first year ever that I didn’t dress up. So sad. But I decided I would rather spend the money on a pair of ears at DL.
Here we go.
After our brief castle photo shoot we got started on the rides! It was cool to see the same rides we have back home but totally different effects, sounds and ride! The names were even a little different. And the rides were all in French.
The Rides

The park was so pretty. We went on such a good day. It was a perfect temperature and all the leaves had changed. I think the layout of the park was nicely done and it was decorated nicely as well. It was weird being at such a small park but I still loved it. It wasn’t busy at all.
My Little Disneyland Photography
There are two parks at Disneyland. The second was Walt Disney Studios. I was told that this park was mehhh and not to spend too much time there. UGH, I wish I hadn’t listened to them because I didn’t get enough time there before it closed. And I want to go back.
Walt Disney Studios
Overall, Disneyland excelled my expectations. I already told my mom and sister I want to go back when they come to visit. Then I get to see the Christmas decorations!
Day Two: Exploring Paris
The city of Paris reminded me of San Francisco. Maybe that’s why I loved it so much. The two days after Disneyland, Ashley and I went to the Louvre, Eiffel Tower and Notre Dame. Feel free to play the YouTube link below. I had this song stuck in my head the entire trip. (It’s from the musical Les Miserables. One of my favorite musicals and one of Amanda’s least favorite musicals.)
The Louvre
I lurrrveeee the louvreeee. What Paris Travel Diary would be complete without art and architecture. Ya feel?
It was such a huge museum. There is no way one could see and read everything there in a day. You would need at least a week. But, we walked around and saw the things I studied in Art History and moved on to the Eiffel Tower.
Eiffel Tower
We went twice! Once at night and the next day in the morning. Unfortunately, the second time we went it was super foggy. So we drank champagne, had a photo shoot, ate french bread and cheese and waited for the fog to clear.
Day 3: Eiffel Tower Fun
After the fog cleared we went on to the Notre Dame. (Not to be confused with the Hunchback of Notre Dame)
Notre Dame
Here are a few more pictures I took around Paris.
Continuing Exploring
Overall, Paris was magical. LOVED IT. I’m sitting here in my new Disneyland Paris pj pants already planning the trip back. I learned not to listen to everyone’s opinions of places and things until I experience it myself and make my own opinions. But hey, to each their own.
Now I need to go pack for Iceland. I leave tomorrow!
Thanks for reading my Paris Travel Diary! If you are bored please feel free to read more of my travel diaries on Amsterdam, Italy, Spain or Australia! Check more out here.
Au revoir!